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Hands On

朱拉隆功大學 設計系


四點設計與 Hands On 設計師合作洽談

Hands On is a set of self-help tools based on the idea of helping hands that let the user experience the self-help journey within themself independently, that will enhance psychological capitals; Grit, Mindfulness, Gratitude, Self-compassion, Meanings in Life, and Resilience for students to promote mental wellbeing within 21days. Each tool takes shape in the most suitable forms and media to enhance each psychology capital, while also working together. The tools are not meant to be a replacement for expert consultation but the objective is to fundamentally help students cope with stress, anxiety, and mental problems in general while at the same time reducing the amount of work CU Wellness center has.


Day of Akha

朱拉隆功大學 設計系

族群的文化與故事是區別各個地方之處,特別是對於清邁的阿卡族人而言,其以深厚的文化底蘊為榮。然而,阿卡族的族群信仰卻遭到新世代所拒絕。 因此,前來拜訪村莊的遊客並無法看見文化的痕跡,也無法了解民族古老的智慧。白天的時候,除了享受美麗的風景外,時常因缺乏活動而無所事事。 Day of Akha為定位型應用程式,遊客可藉由應用程式探索阿卡族的「Doi Pa Hee」村,同時透過擴增實境(AR)了解其傳統信仰,將數位世界與現實世界彼此相連。

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